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Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:32 pm
by kurt
How to solve this problem? What is the cause of "failed"?

Attache the content of Screenshot.log file

Code: Select all

[ScreenShot] SamyGO E/F/H libScreenShot v0.2.9 - (c) zoelechat 2015
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN5TCAPI5GetTvEv' failed.
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN5TCAPI9GetWindowEN8TCWindow7EWindowE' failed.
[ScreenShot] _ZN8TCTvInfo11GetTimeZoneEPiS0_i [0x16c81a4].
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN8TCTvInfo11GetTimeZoneEPiS0_' failed.
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN9TCTvProxy11GetTimeZoneEPiS0_' failed.
[ScreenShot] _ZN6PCTime9EpochTimeEv [0xf4363c].
[ScreenShot] _ZN6PCTime23ConvertEpochToLocalTimeEPNS_6PTTimeEmib [0xf433a0].
[ScreenShot] _Znwj [0xf3e3b4].
[ScreenShot] _ZN4SCGCC2El [0x1c3ed00].
[ScreenShot] _ZN8SCBaseGC6CreateEv [0x1c4ac38].
[ScreenShot] _ZN4SCGC7DestroyEv [0x1c3eac4].
[ScreenShot] _ZN4SCGCD2Ev [0x1c3ed54].
[ScreenShot] _ZN8SCBaseGC20m_GetFrameBufferInfoEPN6Shadow9BasicType10shared_ptrINS0_7IBufferENS1_10LockPolicyEEEPlS7_ [0x1c285c4].
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN8SCBaseGC20m_GetFrameBufferInfoEPPN6Shadow7IBufferEPlS4_' failed.
[ScreenShot] _ZN12CRMSJPEGProc23EncodeARGB8888toJpegMemEPhmmmPS0_Pm [0x2ee75f4].
[ScreenShot] _Z23SdDisplay_CaptureScreenP8SdSize_tPhP23SdDisplay_CaptureInfo_t [0xf374e0].
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_Z23SdDisplay_CaptureScreenP8SdSize_tPhP23SdDisplay_CaptureInfo_t12SdMainChip_k' failed.
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_Z23SdDisplay_CaptureScreenP8SdSize_tPhP24SdVideoCommonFrameData_tP8SdRect_t12SdMainChip_k' failed.
[ScreenShot] _ZN15CRMSMediaScreenC1EP24CRMSMediaScreenGenerator [0x2ee5688].
[ScreenShot] _ZN15CRMSMediaScreen15InitMediaScreenE17RMMediaSourceTypemmm [0x2ee6f34].
[ScreenShot] _ZN15CRMSMediaScreen14GetMediaScreenEPPhPm [0x2ee6bec].
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN14CRMMWInterface14CreateInstanceEv' failed.
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN14CRMMWInterface14GetMediaScreenEiiiPPhPm' failed.
[ScreenShot] _ZN6PCTime4TickEv [0xf43c94].
[ScreenShot] g_IPanel [0x42039be8].
[ScreenShot] _ZN11SsDebugBase15GetSourceStringEi [0x1d83f8c].
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN11SsPrintBase15GetSourceStringEi' failed.
[ScreenShot] _ZN9TPCWindow8InstanceENS_7EWindowE [0x1744f24].
[ScreenShot] _ZN9TPAWindow6SourceEv [0x1d196b4].
[ScreenShot] _ZN9TPASource2IdEv [0x1d097a4].
[ScreenShot] dlsym '_ZN13TCWindowProxy9GetSourceEPii' failed.
[ScreenShot] lib_init, >>>
[ScreenShot] [Alert] TEXT:'Capture !'
[ScreenShot] Resolution: 960x540
[ScreenShot] Raw size: 0x1fa400
[ScreenShot] JPEG address: 0x818d0008
[ScreenShot] JPEG size: 271954 (Quality: 100)
[ScreenShot] * Stored to /dtv/usb/sda1/Screenshots/20160503191644_DTV1.jpg
[ScreenShot] [Alert] TEXT:20160503191644_DTV1.jpg
[ScreenShot] Capture process took: 1320ms
[ScreenShot] <<< lib_deinit

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:53 pm
by juusso
What did not worked at you? Screenshot * Stored to /dtv/usb/sda1/Screenshots/20160503191644_DTV1.jpg
That`s all. No need to take care about errors.

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 6:08 pm
by kurt
ALT and OSD methods do not work. I believe that the reason may be just in the appearance of these errors.
Now take screenshots in accordance rcRemap_capture_EF file (TV is UE32ES6307)

Code: Select all

$SAMYGOSODIR/samyGOso -A -B -l $SODIR/ PATH:/dtv/usb/sda1/Screenshots JPG HD SOURCE ALERT
It works.
In any case, many thanks to the developers for their work. Great job! ;)

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 6:56 pm
by zoelechat
I'd be surprised any feature doesn't work on E-MST where I first developed lib. Misusage imho :)
"Failed" on several symbols is expected, in your case they're non-E ones (lib is multi-series...)

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:14 pm
by smart_lover
zoelechat wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:56 pm [*]JPG - Save capture as JPEG. (Known to cause crash on some TVs, especially H).
As you already mentioned, H series TVs will crash after using JPG parameter. How can I use your great lib with another .so file(that I believe it can be find in the Internet but I am not familiar with Linux) to convert output bmp(2mb file) to JPG(200kb file) on the fly? Is it possible? How?

Note:I want to run SH script that it generate screenshot with helps of your lib and after that convert it to JPG file and delete bmp file after that!

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:26 pm
by mad_ady
@smart_lover - I'm working on adding a webend component to stream screenshots of your tv. It will be slow, but will convert the image to jpg. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks if you're still interested.

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 2:44 pm
by mad_ady
Ok, the web component is done, and can be installed from here: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=11881
Example usage: viewtopic.php?f=79&t=11882

It includes a jpeg converter which converts your bmps to jpeg. It works pretty well. I haven't crashed my TV in a week when grabbing an image every 10 seconds. You can grab even faster, but there is an internal rate limit of about 1fps.

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:51 pm
by Riquet065
Thank you for this App, my experience:
I had Menu with french language, i took a screenshot with PATH SOURCE and ALERT args, works very good!
I changed Menu language to english i took a screenshot with exactly the same args, put the bmp file correctly in the usb device but crash the TV! After reboot i let english language, took a screenshoot and crash again!
Ok, back to french language and works perfectly!

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:12 pm
by pepsuncho66
i have a small question about the libScreenShot library. In the function

Code: Select all

hCTX.SdDisplay_CaptureScreenE(CDSize, tmpBuffer, CaptureInfo);
in ScreenShot.c one can define the Size of the captured image (with CDSize). As I understood from here the maximum native capture resolution is 960x540 pixels.
If i want to capture let say image with resolution of 83x48 only, what image will i get. An internally downsampled image or just a part of the original 960x540 one?
Hope someone can clarify this for me.
Thanks in advance.

Re: [App] libScreenShot E/F/H

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:16 pm
by zoelechat
I think using 83x48 you'll get none of both but only "crap" because you break ratio therefore offset lines (not talking about split bytes :) )
You can request lower resolution and get (badly) downsampled thumb, but you must use exact multiples of 16:9.
For example 80/45 or 96/54 (==16/9) are ok.