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Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:36 am
by daviddrf
Hello. I've tried the Hospitality mode hack ( ... arm_models) on my UE32D6100 with 1028 firmware and it worked flaweslly. Now I am able to access to the television IP address through FTP on port 21 and I've got an USB source (labeled "SamyGo Virt. USB") permanently.
Now what I would want/need is to mount some shared folders I have on my local network (computers, hard disk connected to a router, STBs...)for watching them on the television directly. I've been looking for this information on the wiki and forum but I don't know how to do it ("" or "" editing maybe?). I've read that NFS is faster and has a better performance than CIFS or SMB. Thanks in advance for your help and information.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:57 am
by juusso
Connect via ftp and enable /mnt/etc/init.d/04_04_samba.init script. If you want nfs, corresponding script also exists there.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:20 pm
by daviddrf
juusso wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:57 am Connect via ftp and enable /mnt/etc/init.d/04_04_samba.init script. If you want nfs, corresponding script also exists there.
Hello juusso and thank you again for your support. I'm trying the CIFS/SMB shared folders first. If I succeded then I will try NFS after that.
I am not being able to view the shared folders in the virtual Samygo's USB in the sources option. I only see a folder called "Muzik".
I edited and uploaded to /mnt/etc/init.d/ the file "04_04_samba.init" using FTP. I only modified 4 lines from its default content:

Code: Select all

# © Copyright 1996-2010, ZsoltTech.Com
#       by Ser Lev Arris <arris@ZsoltTech.Com>
#       donated for the SamyGo Project
#       Version: SamyGO svn $Id: 04_04_samba.init 1069 2011-01-03 16:47:24Z arris69 $

. /dtv/SGO.env
# sleep 9
##### CHANGE MEEEEE !!!!! ######
PERM="rw" # can be ro or rw
##### CHANGE MEEEEE END ######

[ -e /mtd_rwarea/smb_userdata ] && source /mtd_rwarea/smb_userdata

[ -z $USER ] && exit 1
[ -z $PASSWD ] && exit 1

# SERVER="" # if you want a fixed server
FR_NAME="Samba Server"
# M_OPTS="rw,user=${USER},password=${PASSWD}"

SERVERS="Don't set me!!"

#		$(echo -e "[sdh]\nVendor : CifsMount\nProduct : $FR_NAME\n\
#Serial : Q80VQLFH\nDevpath : 8\nLun : 0\nMountDir : $DEST_DIR\nFileSystem : vfat\n" >> /dtv/usb/log)

	for i in $S_MOUNTS ; do
		i="$(echo -n $i | sed -e 's/SGOspace/ /g')"
		M_POINT="$DEST_DIR/$1/$(echo -n $i | sed -e "s/\\\$/_/g")"
		mkdir -p "$M_POINT" 
		if [ `cat /proc/mounts | grep -c "$M_POINT"` -lt "1" ] ; then	
			/bin/busybox mount -o "${M_OPTS}" -t cifs "//$1/$i" "$M_POINT"
			echo "$M_POINT is mounted!"


	echo "Search Shares" 
	for i in $SERVERS ; do
	echo "on: $i" 
		S_MOUNTS=$(smbclient -s "$SYSROOT/etc/samba/smb.conf" -U ${USER}%${PASSWD} \
		-g -L $i | grep "Disk|" | grep -v "\\$" | grep -v " Service" | sed -r 's/.*\|(.*)\|.*/\1/' | sed -r 's/ /SGOspace/g')	
		# -g -L $i | grep "Disk|" | grep -v "\\$" | grep -v " Service" | cut -d "|" -f2)	
	[ -n "$S_MOUNTS" ] && do_mount $i

	if [ -z "$SERVER" ] ; then
		# SERVERS=$(cat /proc/net/arp | grep -v "IP address" | cut -d " " -f1)
		SERVERS=$(cat /proc/net/arp | grep -v "IP address" | sed 's/^\(\w*.\w*.\w*.\w*\) *.*/\1/')

case $1 in 
	insmod $MOD_DIR/kernel/fs/cifs/cifs.ko
	mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR"
	# may can fail if device access the mount from content library
	# for i in $(cat /proc/mounts | grep cifs | cut -d " " -f2) ; do
	for i in $(cat /proc/mounts | grep cifs | grep "$DEST_DIR" | sed 's/^\(.*\) \(.*\) cifs .*/\2/') ; do
		i="$(echo -n $i | sed -r 's/\\040/ /g')"
		/bin/busybox umount "$i"
	/bin/mount | grep "$DEST_DIR"
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}" 1>&2
	exit 0
USER="Administrador" (the username in my Windows 7 computer).
PASSWD="" (there's no password for that username in my computer).
SERVER="" (the LAN IP of my computer)
SHARES="PCSALON" (the name given from me to the shared computer).

If I access to that computer from another one connected in the same LAN using \\ I can see two shared folders (called "d" and "e") which are the two hard disks that are being shared but the cannot be seen using the television. Maybe I made some mistakes? I've been looking for information in the forum but I only found topics related like these ones:





Thanks in advance.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:43 pm
by juusso
please put your code to corresponding tag. Thank you. Until that - no support.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:15 am
by daviddrf
juusso wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:43 pm please put your code to corresponding tag. Thank you. Until that - no support.
I aldready tried the code tag display for the previous message. The problem is I realized it's not possible (at least I wasn't able) to use bold, italic and/or underlined text for indicate the modified lines in the file:

Code: Select all

# © Copyright 1996-2010, ZsoltTech.Com
#       by Ser Lev Arris <arris@ZsoltTech.Com>
#       donated for the SamyGo Project
#       Version: SamyGO svn $Id: 04_04_samba.init 1069 2011-01-03 16:47:24Z arris69 $

. /dtv/SGO.env
# sleep 9
##### CHANGE MEEEEE !!!!! ######
PERM="rw" # can be ro or rw
##### CHANGE MEEEEE END ######

[ -e /mtd_rwarea/smb_userdata ] && source /mtd_rwarea/smb_userdata

[ -z $USER ] && exit 1
[ -z $PASSWD ] && exit 1

# SERVER="" # if you want a fixed server
FR_NAME="Samba Server"
# M_OPTS="rw,user=${USER},password=${PASSWD}"

SERVERS="Don't set me!!"

#		$(echo -e "[sdh]\nVendor : CifsMount\nProduct : $FR_NAME\n\
#Serial : Q80VQLFH\nDevpath : 8\nLun : 0\nMountDir : $DEST_DIR\nFileSystem : vfat\n" >> /dtv/usb/log)

	for i in $S_MOUNTS ; do
		i="$(echo -n $i | sed -e 's/SGOspace/ /g')"
		M_POINT="$DEST_DIR/$1/$(echo -n $i | sed -e "s/\\\$/_/g")"
		mkdir -p "$M_POINT" 
		if [ `cat /proc/mounts | grep -c "$M_POINT"` -lt "1" ] ; then	
			/bin/busybox mount -o "${M_OPTS}" -t cifs "//$1/$i" "$M_POINT"
			echo "$M_POINT is mounted!"


	echo "Search Shares" 
	for i in $SERVERS ; do
	echo "on: $i" 
		S_MOUNTS=$(smbclient -s "$SYSROOT/etc/samba/smb.conf" -U ${USER}%${PASSWD} \
		-g -L $i | grep "Disk|" | grep -v "\\$" | grep -v " Service" | sed -r 's/.*\|(.*)\|.*/\1/' | sed -r 's/ /SGOspace/g')	
		# -g -L $i | grep "Disk|" | grep -v "\\$" | grep -v " Service" | cut -d "|" -f2)	
	[ -n "$S_MOUNTS" ] && do_mount $i

	if [ -z "$SERVER" ] ; then
		# SERVERS=$(cat /proc/net/arp | grep -v "IP address" | cut -d " " -f1)
		SERVERS=$(cat /proc/net/arp | grep -v "IP address" | sed 's/^\(\w*.\w*.\w*.\w*\) *.*/\1/')

case $1 in 
	insmod $MOD_DIR/kernel/fs/cifs/cifs.ko
	mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR"
	# may can fail if device access the mount from content library
	# for i in $(cat /proc/mounts | grep cifs | cut -d " " -f2) ; do
	for i in $(cat /proc/mounts | grep cifs | grep "$DEST_DIR" | sed 's/^\(.*\) \(.*\) cifs .*/\2/') ; do
		i="$(echo -n $i | sed -r 's/\\040/ /g')"
		/bin/busybox umount "$i"
	/bin/mount | grep "$DEST_DIR"
	echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}" 1>&2
	exit 0

Thanks in advance.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:58 am
by juusso
Go to web interface of your tv (http://IP/cgi-bin/test.cgi ) and give the log of 04_04_samba script.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:54 pm
by daviddrf
I tried but I don't know why it's not possible. I have no access to WebGUI in, nor WebShell using, nor File manager using, nor Samba server using \\ and not netcat connection throug cmd.exe in Windows using "nc 1023"...I don't know why is this happening because some days ago I could use every of this protocols without problems...I could access completely to my television. Now only FTP server works with no problem and I can see my whole television using or a FTP client like FileZilla. Maybe should I reapply the hospitaly hack juusso? Thanks again for your help!

PS: ruSamsungTVCommunicator works perfectly too.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:36 pm
by juusso
do you have exlink cable? output might help to figure out what`s happening.

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:07 pm
by daviddrf
juusso wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:36 pm do you have exlink cable? output might help to figure out what`s happening.
Yes, I have a working Ex-Link Cable. How can I show you that output? What commands or menus do you need? Thanks again juusso!

Re: Hospitality mode hack (for D6 series only) - updated

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:28 pm
by juusso
Show log from tv start up to vusb appears. Put it to