[ROOT] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

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[ROOT] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by sectroyer »

This rooting method should be applicable to all T-HK* firmwares up to 1480. No need to continue reading (nor ask!) if you've got 1490 or above.
T-NT14MJ* (non-Tizen-renamed-H) go there.

Be warned that required skill could be considered as quite high for common user, so please make an effort before asking stupid questions on every word of every single line of tutorial. Also don't forget Google is better friend than us :)

  • You must permanently block TV access to https://osb-apps.samsungqbe.com (in addition to usual fw update stuff, but that's another story...) for root widget not to be deleted on TV reboot, and therefore root lost.
    Note that blocking this URL will break installation of official apps, so you can temporarily unblock it (between 2 reboots) in case you want to install any.
  • Disable in TV main menu -> Smart Hub -> Auto update apps
  • Menu -> System -> General -> Samsung Instant ON, has to be disabled as well


1. The point is first to install rooting widget, for this several possibilities:
  • You have fw 1412 or lower, you can sideload app through USB. Download attached ROOT-J_widget.zip and copy extracted ROOT-J.wgt into "userwidget" folder you created on root of an USB drive you plug to TV. Widget should install automatically. (done? -> skip to 2.)
  • You know how to install and use Tizen Studio, installing widget shouldn't be a problem for you. (done? -> skip to 2.)
  • If you have fw greater than 1412 and don't know how to use Tizen Studio, we provide a Linux Virtual Machine image where Tizen Studio is installed and ready to use:
    • Download and extract attached SamyGO-J*.7z, you'll get single SamyGO-J.vdi file being VM image.
    • Download and install VirtualBox for your computer/platform.
    • Once installed, launch it, create "New", configure it as shown and click on "Create":
      • VBox_Conf.jpg
    • Open "Settings", go to "Network" tab and change "Attached to:" value to "Bridged Adapter" then OK.
      • VBox_Bridge.jpg
    • Click on "Start", and wait for VM to boot until it shows popup with instructions (can take several minutes):
      • VM_popup.jpg
    • Read and do carefully everything shown into information popup, and press OK. Wait then for Tizen Studio to load.
    • Once loaded, open Device Manager, "Scan" your network and "Connect" your TV. Then "Close":
      • SDK_connect.jpg
    • Right click on "ROOT-J" in left pane and "Run as" -> "Tizen Web Application". Widget will be installed on TV.
      • SDK_runas.jpg
    • You'll see some progress percentage at the bottom, when finished you can close VM and VirtualBox.

2. Widget now installed.
  • Go to TV main menu -> Smart Hub -> Auto Start -> Ticker and select "ROOT-J"
  • Power OFF TV.
  • Download and extract attached SamyGO_J_sysroot_*.7z to a fresh FAT or (better) exFAT formatted USB drive. As a result you should have "SamyGO" folder on root of USB.
    Note: In case you installed widget through USB sideload method, you MUST delete userwidget folder from drive.
  • Plug USB to TV, power ON then wait... WAIT... 1st start before root can be VERY long (up to 15min), will be much quicker on next starts. TV telling "Attempt #1.2.3.success" doesn't mean you have root yet, you MUST wait.
  • Some quick/top SamyGO banner on TV will tell you when root is started. If you don't want to constantly focus on TV while waiting, you still can check FTP/Telnet connection from time to time...

3. Root done!
  • Successful FTP or Telnet access to TV is enough to reliably confirm it.

  • Of course root USB must remain permanently plugged to TV, since sysroot is on it.
  • In case of ANY issues such as "root already worked but not anymore", delete SamyGO.shm from USB root and try again. Also has to be mandatorily and especially done in case of firmware or TV (!) change. Note that its deletion implies again "up to 15min wait before root" as from scratch.
  • VM disk can be quite easily converted for use in VMware, but only open-source VirtualBox will be supported here.
  • Any Oscam related post/question will be deleted without prior notice. Here is root topic.
  • See next post for built-in features description.

Changelog (sysroot)Show

Code: Select all

v5.1b - Added downgrade.sh script for convenience
V5.1 - Added: sftp-server
     - Fixed: unreachable NTFS drives through smbserver
     - Improved stability: sgo_fs_exec, sgo_rcremap (should much help in preventing random crashes, especially on root startup)
     - Fixed: large amount of files issue in smb/nfs clients scripts, MUCH faster now (due to no feedback I left former scripts as .oldversion, just in case)
     - Added: WebIF/source.php URL to remotely get current source from TV
v5.0 - Service update to align on upcoming K sysroot
     - Included root/ssh password change script (rootpwd.sh)
     - Logging enhancements
     - Added few bins (lscpu, tcping, jq...)
v4.9 - Added tzantmode and tzcinfo features bins
     - Now logging SamyGO startup to console (Exlink)
     - Fixed init scripts exit codes for better handling
     - Improved screenshot.sh (filenaming + notification)
     - Numerous small fixes
v4.8 - Fixed sparse remnant nohup.out file(s) left by reboot/poweroff
     - screenshot.sh now captures video+UI
v4.7 - Updated ffmpeg with srf decryption to latest
v4.6 - Fixed large file support (>4GB) in drmdecrypt
v4.5 - Fixed locale support
     - Added custom hostname support
v4.4 - First release
VM: SamyGO-VM.7z (2.4GB)
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I do NOT support "latest fw" at ALL. If you have one you should block updates on router and wait for it to STOP being "latest":)
If you want me to help you please paste FULL log(s) to "spoiler"/"code" bbcodes or provide link(s) to pasted file(s) on https://pastebin.com Otherwise "NO HELP"!!!
If you want root DISABLE internet access to your device!!!!
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[App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by zoelechat »

Here will be description of built-in sysroot features/bins/scripts/startup scripts. Might be filled later in case I forget any, or if any added.

  • File operations have to be done by FTP to TV on port 21. Best is to use FileZilla where you need to set file transfer to binary mode.
  • For terminal access, commands can be sent by either SSH on port 22 or Telnet on port 23.
  • If you don't know what are FTP/Telnet/SSH, ask Google, not us.
  • SSH username is root, default password is SamyGO.
  • For text/script edition, strong advice is to use Notepad++ (never Windows Notepad!!), and always be sure linefeeds are set to UNIX (LF) mode.
  • What we're gonna call SYSROOT is path to SamyGO folder on your root USB, as absolute path: /opt/storage/usb/sd*/SamyGO

  • Recordings decryption
    In wait for hypothetical PVRdecoder for J, some script is provided to do so. You have to create REC folder on root on any USB you plug to TV then type into terminal:

    Code: Select all

    Used without args it will process decryption of all found recordings to REC folder. You can otherwise decrypt on-demand giving recording(s) name(s) (timestamps you find in CONTENTS folder) as arg(s). e.g:

    Code: Select all

    srf2ts.sh 20170326112453 20170401175932 ...
    • Decrypted .ts is auto-renamed according to filemask you can setup into srf2ts.sh script itself. By default:

      Code: Select all

      # Set here filemask
      		FILENAME="${YYYY}.${MM}.${DD}_${HH}h${NN}_${CHANNEL} - ${TITLE}"
      Which gives such result:

      Code: Select all

      2017.04.04_22h47_MTV ROCKS - All Night Session.ts
    • By default, script is using tweaked ffmpeg for decryption, if ever it fails on some recording you can retry with -d switch (srf2ts.sh -d [RECS...]) to use drmdecrypt instead on these specific recordings. Should be slower but more reliable in such case. (fixed in sysroot 4.6, updated in 4.7)
    • In case you only want to generate keyfiles (to decrypt later offline on computer for example), you have to use tzpvrdmpkeys bin. Might require path to CONTENTS as arg.

      Code: Select all

      tzpvrdmpkeys /opt/storage/usb/sd*/CONTENTS
      .key files will be generated in CONTENTS folder next to encrypted .srf
  • Widgets decryption

    Code: Select all

    You'll be given usage executing it without args, no need for further comment assuming you'll need it only if you know what it's meant to.
  • Send Remote Control keys
    As we used to know on former series, samyGOrc bin is available to send keys from terminal. Beware that keycodes are not the same anymore! Launch without arg for usage.

    Code: Select all


    Code: Select all

    samyGOrc for J/K Series v0.2.2 by zoelechat / sectroyer 2016
    Usage: samyGOrc [OPTIONS] keycode(s) and/or keyname(s)
            -d, --delay     delay between keysends in ms (default: 1000)
            -l, --list      print keylist
            -o, --outfile   outfile to write (default: '/dev/input/event0')

    Code: Select all

    Key list:
       1    KEY_RETURN
       2    KEY_1
       3    KEY_2
       4    KEY_3
       5    KEY_4
       6    KEY_5
       7    KEY_6
       8    KEY_7
       9    KEY_8
      10    KEY_9
      11    KEY_0
      12    KEY_MINUS
      28    KEY_OK
      59    KEY_RED
      60    KEY_GREEN
      61    KEY_YELLOW
      62    KEY_CYAN
      63    KEY_HOME
      64    KEY_SOURCE
      65    KEY_CH_LIST
      66    KEY_MUTE
      67    KEY_VOLDOWN
      68    KEY_VOLUP
      87    KEY_CHDOWN
      88    KEY_CHUP
     103    KEY_UP
     105    KEY_LEFT
     106    KEY_RIGHT
     108    KEY_DOWN
     112    KEY_LFD_POWEROFF
     116    KEY_POWER
     125    KEY_MENU
     126    KEY_RMENU
     127    KEY_TOOLS
     129    KEY_REPEAT
     130    KEY_GUIDE
     132    KEY_ASPECT
     133    KEY_PMODE
     135    KEY_HDMI
     138    KEY_EMANUAL
     140    KEY_MORE
     141    KEY_FACTORY
     142    KEY_SLEEP
     145    KEY_TV
     146    KEY_DTV
     147    KEY_STB_POWER
     148    KEY_ADDDEL
     149    KEY_PANEL_DOWN
     151    KEY_BT_COLOR_MECHA
     153    KEY_BT_TRIGGER
     154    KEY_BT_HOTKEY
     155    KEY_CINEMA_MODE
     157    KEY_GAME
     158    KEY_LFD_UNSET
     159    KEY_PIP_CHUP
     160    KEY_PIP_CHDOWN
     161    KEY_ANTENA
     162    KEY_AUTO_PROGRAM
     163    KEY_PANEL_ENTER
     164    KEY_LINK
     165    KEY_PANEL_UP
     166    KEY_STOP
     167    KEY_REC
     168    KEY_REWIND
     169    KEY_ANGLE
     170    KEY_WHEEL_LEFT
     171    KEY_WHEEL_RIGHT
     173    KEY_PANEL_EXIT
     174    KEY_EXIT
     175    KEY_MBR_TV
     176    KEY_MBR_STB_GUIDE
     177    KEY_MBR_BD_POPUP
     180    KEY_MBR_SETUP
     181    KEY_MBR_WATCH_TV
     182    KEY_PRECH
     183    KEY_FAVCH
     185    KEY_BT_NUMBER
     186    KEY_16_9
     187    KEY_MTS
     188    KEY_INFO
     189    KEY_SMODE
     190    KEY_3SPEED
     191    KEY_3D
     192    KEY_TTX_MIX
     193    KEY_SRSTSXT
     194    KEY_WIFI_PAIRING
     200    KEY_PLAY
     201    KEY_PAUSE
     202    KEY_BT_DUALVIEW
     204    KEY_FAMILY_MODE
     205    KEY_ESAVING
     206    KEY_CLEAR
     207    KEY_SUB_TITLE
     208    KEY_FF
     209    KEY_TV_SNS
     210    KEY_DVR
     211    KEY_APP_LIST
     212    KEY_CAMERA
     213    KEY_CAPTION
     214    KEY_ZOOM1
     215    KEY_PANEL_PLUS
     216    KEY_BT_VOICE
     217    KEY_SEARCH
     219    KEY_PANEL_MINUS
     220    KEY_SOCCER_MODE
     222    KEY_AD
     224    KEY_REWIND_
     225    KEY_FF_
     227    KEY_PIP_ONOFF
     229    KEY_MBR_STBBD_MENU
     231    KEY_FAMILYHUB
     232    KEY_ANYVIEW
     236    KEY_SOFT_WAKE_UP
     237    KEY_LFD_SET
     238    KEY_WAKE_UP_MODE
     239    KEY_LFD_BLANK
     240    KEY_LFD_LOCK
     241    KEY_PAGE_LEFT
     242    KEY_PAGE_RIGHT
     243    KEY_PANEL_ON
     244    KEY_PLAY_BACK
     245    KEY_EXTRA
     353    DISCRET_POWER_ON
     354    DISCRET_VIDEO1
     355    DISCRET_VIDEO2
     356    DISCRET_VIDEO3
     357    DISCRET_S_VIDEO1
     358    DISCRET_S_VIDEO2
     359    DISCRET_S_VIDEO3
     363    DISCRET_HDMI1
     364    DISCRET_HDMI2
     365    DISCRET_HDMI3
     366    DISCRET_PC
     367    DISCRET_DVI1
     368    DISCRET_DVI2
     369    DISCRET_ZOOM1
     370    DISCRET_ZOOM2
     372    DISCRET_4_3
     373    DISCRET_16_9
     374    KEY_LFD_POWERON
     375    DISCRET_LFD_DP
     377    KEY_COLOR
     379    DISCRET_LFD_OPS
     380    DISCRET_HDMI4
     381    DISCRET_SOURCE_AV1
     382    DISCRET_SOURCE_AV2
     383    DISCRET_SOURCE_AV3
  • Switch / cycle antenna (J sysroot>=4.9)
    For that purpose use tzantmode bin:

    Code: Select all

    Usage: tzantmode [-pip,-no-ui] [sat|cable|air|mode0:mode1:...:modeX]
    Can switch to fixed antenna mode if single specified (e.g: sat), or cycle through colon separated ones. e.g: tzantmode sat:air will switch from sat to air (to sat). Optional:
    • -pip: Change antenna in PIP window (if active).
    • -no-ui: Won't show top notification on antenna change.
  • Channel / Source / Picture infos (Jsysroot>=4.9)
    tzcinfo shows more than necessary infos about current channel/program/resolution/etc.

    Code: Select all

    Usage: tzcinfo [live|pip|pvr]
    Single arg is required to specify from where to retrieve infos (pip and pvr only if active). Sample output (tzcinfo live):

    Code: Select all

    Print Current Channel Info For Samsung Tizen TV (J/K) v0.1.6
    2017 (c) bugficks@samygo
    SERVICE_ID: 8074427548936769534
    START: 20170616T110000
    END: 20170616T111400
    PROGRAM_NUMBER: 0x26b6
    VIDEO_PID: 0x03f2
    SATELLITE: Astra 19.2E
    TRANSPONDER_ID: 0x0071
    FREQUENCY: 12129000 kHz
    SYMBOL_RATE: 29700 kS/s
    LNA: 1
    DIGITAL: 1
    CHANNEL_NUMBER: 0x0071

  • Screenshot
    • UI overlay only, FullHD resolution, use well known:

      Code: Select all

      Can take specific filename as arg, otherwise will save timestamp.png to current folder.
    • Video+UI (J sysroot>=4.8), 960x540 resolution, use:

      Code: Select all

      screenshot.sh [-nje] [dirname or filename]
      Check screenshot.sh --help for usage (J sysroot>=4.9)

      Code: Select all

      [screenshot] v0.5 (c) 2017 zoelechat @ SamyGO
      Usage: screenshot.sh [OPTIONS] [PATH]
         -n  Show quick (1s) capture warning on TV screen
         -j  Save as jpg instead of png (if no user-defined filename.ext)
         -e  Expand filename regarding channel/program/source
              e.g: '20170531175620_France 2_Tennis.png' / '20170528201257_HDMI1.jpg'
         PATH: dirname or filename, $PWD/timestamp.png if unspecified
  • Showing popups on screen
    To display some custom messages on TV screen, two bins are available. Execute them both without args for usage
  • Launch an app
    You can launch an app from terminal using app_launcher tool, if you know its name, or its ID for a widget. For example to start web browser:

    Code: Select all

    app_launcher org.tizen.browser
    App names can basically be found as /usr/apps/org.* folders. For widgets IDs you can get them with command:

    Code: Select all

    wascmd -l
    Tool can even take more args to open certain sub apps. Nothing that I can detail more since they're specific to each app and need reversing/investigation of them. Just as proof-of-concept, to open signal information popup:

    Code: Select all

    app_launcher org.tizen.menu type signal-information
  • hostname and locale (J sysroot>=4.5)
    By default, TV will get its hostname from your router DHCP/DNS. If undefined it will default to "localhost" (you'll notice it in Telnet/SSH prompts), in such case you can define your own by editing SYSROOT/etc/hostname.sample then remove .sample extension from file. Custom hostname will appear after reboot.

    The same way, terminal locale will be get from currently set TV menu language. If you prefer custom one, edit SYSROOT/etc/locale.sample then remove .sample extension. New locale will be applied after reboot as well.

Startup scripts:

  • Startup scripts are to be found into SYSROOT/etc/init.d
  • To enable/disable a startup script, you have to append/remove .dis extension. e.g:

    Code: Select all

    95_smbclient.init          [enabled]
    95_smbclient.init.dis      [disabled]
  • 01_catch_crap.init
    Never touch!! Contains nothing but status info for now, but might evolve.
  • 05_sshd.init
    SSH daemon script allowing to connect terminal on port 22.
    • root password can be changed using: (J sysroot>=5.0)

      Code: Select all

    SFTP (J sysroot>=5.1, K sysroot>=1.4) and SCP servers are also available on same port.
  • 15_apache.init
    Apache/PHP server already known on former series but fully reworked, implementing some webif on port 1080. Available URLs are:
    • Code: Select all

      Here you can check startup scripts status and start(/stop/restart) scripts
      • apache_screenshot.jpg
    • Code: Select all

      Various infos about TV, mounts, etc. Exportable as XML.
    • Code: Select all

      WebShell, alternative to Telnet/SSH, but always prefer these ones!!! For login: user=user, pass=pass
    • Code: Select all

      Retrieves which source TV is currently on (J sysroot>=5.1, K sysroot>=1.3)
  • 20_smbserver.init
    Samba server, allowing to browse TV contents from network.
    • By default TV will be discovered as SamsungTV in network neighbourhood, you can change that (NetBIOS) name into SYSROOT/etc/samba/smb.conf, as well as workgroup and other stuff if you know what to do.
    • Two shares are there by default: ROOT=/ and USB=/opt/storage/usb
    Note: For whatever reason, obviously some security limitation of exotic driver used by TV, NTFS partition can't be browsed through Samba server, so in wait for hopeful fix prefer FAT32/exFAT/ext4 formats. FIXED: J sysroot>=5.1, K sysroot>=1.4
  • 25_RCremap.init
    Remote control keys remapping.

    The principle is very simple: when a key is pressed on RC, module will check into SYSROOT/etc/keymaps if a script corresponding to key name is there. If so, script will be launched instead of original key function.

    Script can be either single line samyGOrc command to "remap key to another" (check provided sample into SYSROOT/etc/keymaps to understand better), a simple lib injection, or more elaborated as you wish.
    • Key names list can be found into SYSROOT/usr/share/samyGOrc_KeyList.txt or from samyGOrc -l command.
    • Since as usual most keys don't have accurate name, once script is enabled and started, you can get real-time keypresses info from:

      Code: Select all

      cat /proc/kmsg | grep rcremap
      On key press you'll be able to catch logged keyname from output. e.g:

      Code: Select all

      <3>[2-20580.2991]  [sgo_rcremap] ScanCode: 0x1F, KeyCode: 188 (KEY_INFO)
      Here for example key name is KEY_INFO, so you'd just have to create SYSROOT/etc/keymaps/KEY_INFO script to remap it.
    • Users with Exlink can also retrieve log from console.
    • Any new or removed mapping require script to be restarted.
  • 30_ChannelInfo.init
    Also formerly known, enabling it will show channel info banner on channel change, using tzbanner bin.
  • 90_nfsclient.init and 95_smbclient.init
    Network shares. ONLY FIXED shares are supported, no auto-discovery.
    • You have to edit script(s) and setup ###### CHANGE ME !!! ####### section according to your network/shares info.
      Shares must be under SERVER:Share (nfs) or SERVER/Share (smb) shape. Server IP or name is allowed. A subfolder of a share such as SERVER/Share/sub is NOT a share and is not allowed.
    • FIXED: J sysroot>=5.1, K sysroot>=1.3Show
      • VERY IMPORTANT: Do not try to mount shares containing too huge amount of files, TV is unable to handle them (same for true USB btw, not mount related), some database refresh is mandatory and looks to "overflow" at some point, resulting in "endless refresh".
      • A reasonable MAXIMUM total (=all shares sum) number of files would be no more than ~10000. Less is better. You're warned.
    • Shares are mounted to root of root USB (=SYSROOT/.. - no virtual USB there!), so that's where you need to seek with media player.
    Note: In case you find your USB devices systematically empty into media player, try "killall media-server" command then refresh media player or reboot TV.
  • 99_finish_crap.init
    Some cleanup stuff, same as 01_catch_crap.init, better not touch, might evolve.

Phew :)
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by zoelechat »

  • Firmware downgrade
    ...has never been so simple! Here are steps.
    • Make a copy of /etc/info.ini to some RW place, let's say /opt
      Edit that copy and change current firmware version number to any dummy lower one, e.g.:

      Code: Select all


      Code: Select all

    • Mount bind edited ini copy over original one:

      Code: Select all

      mount -o bind /opt/info.ini /etc/info.ini
    • Re-enable SWU services disabled by root:
      In case you get some odd error at that step, check from that post.

      Code: Select all

      systemctl start swu-verifier-tv.service
      systemctl start swu-core-tv.service
      systemctl start swu-service.service
    • Now you can extract any lower firmware to USB, and go into software update menu :)
      If you don't know how to update fw by USB, check Samsung website, no such support here.
  • Midnight Commander
    If you're regular Linux user you probably know/want/need mc, so here's ready to use version for your SamyGO sysroot.
    • Copy attached mc.zip to any place, let's say SYSROOT (do not unzip yet! Archive is relative to sysroot...)
    • Unzip from terminal

      Code: Select all

      unzip [/path/to/]mc.zip -d $SYSROOT
    • You can now launch mc and enjoy the future :mrgreen:
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by Grafhkgb »

Great work!!!

What for a size must the USB Device have? 4gb, 8gb?
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by sectroyer »

Grafhkgb wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:13 am Great work!!!

What for a size must the USB Device have? 4gb, 8gb?
The one that works :P If not works change, if NOT works on ALL your usb devices go to store and buy more :)
I do NOT support "latest fw" at ALL. If you have one you should block updates on router and wait for it to STOP being "latest":)
If you want me to help you please paste FULL log(s) to "spoiler"/"code" bbcodes or provide link(s) to pasted file(s) on https://pastebin.com Otherwise "NO HELP"!!!
If you want root DISABLE internet access to your device!!!!
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by zoelechat »

Sysroot itself is very light (<40MB once unpacked), but prefer the fastest possible USB. I mean: if you take a 64MB USB, it will mandatorily be not fast...
Besides you can put other stuff on root USB. Take a 32GB USB3.0 and put some core movies/photos on it for example :)
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by prisonbreak1988 »

thank you very much!
have UE40ES7005 and UE48JS9005QXXE fw 1470
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by prisonbreak1988 »

cant access to tv when i use putty to connect to tv. have tryed Telnet port 21 and ssh port 22. and have also problem tv when i use filezilla. cant connect to tv.
have UE40ES7005 and UE48JS9005QXXE fw 1470
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by zoelechat »

Fortunately I remind which ports are what, you're clearly showing that you didn't read carefully enough.
Can't connect to nothing means TV not rooted, simple as that.
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Re: [App] J ROOT on T-HK* fw up to 1480

Post by prisonbreak1988 »

zoelechat i got a video for you if you se its correct: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfgepq38fzr0f ... 0.mp4?dl=0
have UE40ES7005 and UE48JS9005QXXE fw 1470

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