Dump the apps/widgets from the app store

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Dump the apps/widgets from the app store

Post by KetraXPL »

I was wondering whether there is a way to dump the games from the app store if I have them downloaded on the USB drive. Also, is there a repository of dumped apps? I am searching for the game Nitro Chimp, so if anyone has the files, I would be grateful for them.
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Re: Dump the apps/widgets from the app store

Post by ZGod »

I don't have Nitro Chimp, but I have a number of other games. Which games do you have? You can use viewtopic.php?t=9273 to decrypt them and viewtopic.php?t=14360 to run the decrypted games.

Let it know if you need any help with that. Note that thte games on your USB drive will be encrypted and you need to decrypt them before distribution.

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