SRF decryption and conversion

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SRF decryption and conversion

Post by Pale1968 »

I used to have a Samsung TV type UE40MU6455 (So I am assuming it was a M type), but it went broke and I was left with an External USB drive that has about 500GB of saved programs. Can it be true that in 2025, there is no way to decode and convert these files, to be able to watch them with a computer? I have tried everything I can find, but for example DeSTRoi does make the TS file out of the SRF files, but the TS File seems to still be encoded. Then again, the files of DeSTRoi seem to be from the year 2012 and in those times the Samsung TV did not even approve a Windows formatted USB drive as a savings media. But my TV did approve windows formatted drive. And it maybe possible that Samsung has changed the formatting of the MDB file, which contains the KEY for decoding the SRF file, so the old DeSTRoi may no longer recognize the key. After all the TV was assumably issued in 2017. I bought the TV in 2018 and at the time it was working, I had no idea that there would ever be any problems to look at the recorded programs with some other device. Is there no plans to update the DeSTRoi program? Or is there absolutely no way to decode and convert these files, though we are living in 2025? I also tried the Free DRM removal, but it does nothing... Like all the other programs I may have tried.

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