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Re: [App] MyButtons - plugin for fast execute commands

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:05 pm
by reaper7
I can't upload 8,3kB src because: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." :lol:
Sorry but I don't more time for this project (I working now on another project for linux sat box)
but of course I send latest mybuttons src + popup.a & when it will be possible.

So...problem probably exists only on CI+ devices...

Re: [App] MyButtons - plugin for fast execute commands

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:29 pm
by erdem_ua
Yes, reaper, you needed to delete some old versions.
Moras or Jusiz might put this to download area directly.
I have some problems with SF and thinking to move private host his days.
Also sf has some attack recently.
I cannot upload that package to dl area because megaupload banned from Turkish government.
I also cannot use DNS thing due my avahi deamon don't working properly... (Why this is acting like that? I get angry)

Re: [App] MyButtons - plugin for fast execute commands

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:27 am
by reaper7
here it is (mybuttons0.7 src + popup lib):
maybe someone who have CI+ TV fix this problem...
for me plug working without problem
but on CI+ TV loading some lib before mybuttons start ...
I can't repeat this bug because I have only B650 without CI+
so...good luck! :D

Re: [App] MyButtons - plugin for fast execute commands

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:44 am
by erdem_ua
Warning: !Off topic!
meinsource wrote:
erdem_ua wrote: megaupload banned from Turkish government.
This is unacceptable. Get rid of government.
It's quite hard. A party at government, which name is akp and americans behind them. They make open "endless case" (like hitler) and accused persons being in relation with a "virtual" terrorist group (they named ergenekon). They put men against them into prison including military generals, journalists, civil party leaders... More than hundred known people in prison for 4 years! Most of them doesn't know why they imprisoned. Some one them die due illness (they don't allow treatment too.) And there is no single acceptable evidence to prove anything. Government make depended police and judge to them. So they select judges and other things. Put their mans into critical points. Also its proven that police "changed some evidences", added some words into voice to text scripts and add some telephone numbers to imprisoned peoples phones... But government still saying there is terrorists (like usa accused to usama bin laden) about that virtual terrorists and cheating people... I believe they are also make cheat on votes... It's standard american game. Americans has mass media and use them for make people believe such an terrorist organism exists... Our people have strong believer to religion and that party use religion to cheat people. Also our people are not well educated. So it's easy to cheat them...
While they are making this, government privatize almost everything. They sell Telecom, water and electric grid systems, harbors, mines... to "multinationals". They also selling "lands" to foreigners!.
Hard to believe?

To understand whats happening and to avoid to make it your country, you needed to watch zeitgeist documentaries.
I really advice this documentaries to everyone understand where world going to. You can start from first documentary (You can pass first part if you not like it. It might be hard to believe some ones. I believe in God but people changed religions with time... )

If you watch this documentaries, don't became hopeless after watching the truth... I became but than realized that there is always hope to stop this...

Re: [App] MyButtons - plugin for fast execute commands

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:55 pm
by marcelru
Any idea where I can find the source for libpopup, anyone?



Re: [App] MyButtons - plugin for fast execute commands

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:43 pm
by reaper7
marcelru-libpopup is my lib,
Sorry but code is not for public show
But anyone can use it in other project(*.a and header file is in tar.gz) Makefile show how to add this lib