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UE55TU7022 adding bluetooth support

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:35 pm
by ant
Hi there!

I had UE55TU7022 without BT module.
There were two separated modules inside: WIFI receiver BN59-01308A and IR panel with button.
I replaced IR panel by combined WIFI+BT+IR receiver, that used in TU7192.
Their main boards (KANT-SU2_6900_5055) are almost identical, the only change I made is moved inductor from BD1110_NBT to BD9_BT.
BT is enabled and detected in engineering menu and can find devices, but still can't connect to headphones (checked on 3 different).
Not sure why, maybe they are not compatible.

Samsung One Remote also can't be paired with the TV, only "Not available" message appears on the display.
As I understand, One Remote support can be removed from the firmware or disabled somehow.
Also, there is no menu for manage BT input devices like keyboards or mouses.

Any ideas on how to connect One Remote to this TV?

Re: UE55TU7022 adding bluetooth support

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 6:21 pm
by ant
I unpacked decrypted firmware and found that probably BT services disabled by value in the fconfig database:
"fconfigd -g"

Re: UE55TU7022 adding bluetooth support

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:56 am
by ccr64k
Opening a root shell using Synactiv hack and editing fconfig database will do the trick?