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[SOLVED] P2P Client : transmission for SamyGO

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:59 pm
by erdem_ua
I think time comes for torrent client.
I inspect some torrent clients and decided "transmission" because it written with C language that means CPU usage will be small.
And it already using at some embedded systems, can run as daemon supports both Web and CLI interfaces...

Tool requires OpenSSL libraries too.
Who wanted to port this tool?

And debian already has this tool
but I prefer fresh compilation for our environment and cpu.

Re: P2P Client : transmission for SamyGO

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:16 pm
by erdem_ua
Nope but it's not an hard job. if you are trying to plant daemon only.

Re: P2P Client : transmission for SamyGO

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:35 pm
by erdem_ua
Possible but while you are watching from TV's USB HDD,
TV's CPU usage will peak, specially for HD movie streams. That leads slow remote response.
I don't know if it's good idea to have it but it will work... Also you could use some GUI at your PC to connect that daemon too.

Re: P2P Client : transmission for SamyGO

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:46 pm
by juusso
I think it is much better to have NAS with torrent client on it and watch movies over NFS than torrent on TV. SamsungTV has not so much horsepower as we think :(

Re: P2P Client : transmission for SamyGO

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 6:07 pm
by address
: D This is my current situation! Headless PIII running amule-daemon, transmission-daemon, samba-server, webmin, clamav, transmission-daemon. It would be nice to have something like TRANSGUI or amulegui or WEBMIN to check the server from the tv...

Re: P2P Client : transmission for SamyGO

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:32 am
by juusso
Quite old and forgotten topic, but got some recent updates. I still think the bt client on the TV isn't verry effective way to fetch files as one on the NAS, but for those who don't have any other solution this is it:

Topic changed to SOLVED.