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IPTV as TV input

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:13 pm
by MarkV
A great option would be the possibility to use Interactive tv through the internet, for example KPN Fiber, as main tv input.
The iptv on the cabled LAN port en the internet through wifi.

IPTV as main tv input with al the options like epg etc, in that case you wouldn't need the @#$&@## motorola settopbox..

Does anybody know if this exists or if there is some sort of converter to convert the signal to ant or rf kabel, instead of the settopbox wich is connected through hdmi?

Re: IPTV as TV input

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:24 am
by juusso
Here is the widget, NetPlayer, which works on D series as well. If really needed, it can be used for IPTV.
But i don`t think it is able to show epg.

It is possible to add one widget to startup and it will be automatically started after full TV boot. But i have sense you`re expecting more than widget.

Re: IPTV as TV input

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:03 pm
by MarkV
Thanks for the reactions.
I took a look at them en its defently a beginning, but perfect would be that the tv sees it as a tv signal.
It must be possible, i think the software is linux, and the signal comes through a lan cable, only the software has to see the signal as tv signal...
Or has a settopbox special chips in it to read the signal??