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Admin Upgraded Turkey's ADSL Line Speeds by ~%10

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:32 am
by erdem_ua
Hi there, I wanted to share my happiness.

In Turkey, National ADSL line provider Turkish Telecom / TTNet just cheating their clients by giving defected lines.

If client selects 1 Mbit internet, they give 1024 kbps ADSL line
If client selects 2 Mbit internet, they give 2048 kbps ADSL line
If client selects 4 Mbit internet, they give 4096 kbps ADSL line
But 1024 kbps ADSL line cannot provide 1Mbit Internet since it works by 53 byte packets, which 5 byte address header, means overhead.
So this reduces internet speed ~%10...

I go to judge before years ago. Judgement still continues but case goes to the expert,(for third time) and today, I realized ADSL speed of my line upgraded!
My 2048kbps line speed became 2336 kbps!. This also true for other ADSL lines too! I am talking about ~15 Million ADSL lines.

As a result, I and my case upgraded whole nations ADSL speed by %10. At least that I believe. :)
They don't announce anything but issue but they will pay %10 of the bill for lower speeds on our lines for years.

This shows that, one man act could change life of millions.
What ever you making, don't listen anyone and keep doing! Because at the end, if you don't break up, you will be succeed.
Just stood up to anything that is wrong for you.

I was a Jobless Computer Engineer before. But now feel proud of upgrade to Jobless Computer Engineer that upgraded nations ADSL lines by %10.

Re: Admin Upgraded Turkey's ADSL Line Speeds by ~%10

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:00 am
by juusso
Hero :)

Re: Admin Upgraded Turkey's ADSL Line Speeds by ~%10

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:32 am
by decix
Good job. But overhead is traffic too, this can be seen in two ways.
Btw... I have 64Mbit line for 40 EUR/month, don't really care about 10Mbit more or less :twisted:
for about 60 EUR/month I could also get 128Mbit but I don't really need that much speed;)

Re: Admin Upgraded Turkey's ADSL Line Speeds by ~%10

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:51 am
by erdem_ua
Decix, I think you don't fully understand situation. ADSL overhead (ATM packet headers) takes %10 of bandwidth and it's not Internet(TCP/IP) overhead...
Yes overhead counts from traffic too, but that overheat doesn't belong to Internet, so you cannot count it as Internet bandwidth,

Also, I pay ~40 Euro per month just for 2Mbit ADSL Internet connection. That was 1.8 days ago! That differs.

Re: Admin Upgraded Turkey's ADSL Line Speeds by ~%10

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:01 am
by juusso
Yes, when you pay so expensive for 2Mbit, 10% less of speed is quite appreciable. I hope you get better speed for less price. Turkey telecom must upgrade its networks to optical cable... This could be your next goal, Erdem.

Re: Admin Upgraded Turkey's ADSL Line Speeds by ~%10

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:30 pm
by coolrecep
I pay 29 TRY ($20) for 8 mbit with 25 GB limit. But some months I download over 250 GBs with the same price and they don't slow down my speed :)