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Setup FTP video location in SamyGo Virtual usb

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:10 pm
by whhaatt
Hi is there a way to add a FTP location eg

The url is

This requires a username and password, if so how would i do this so that i can browse the contents of this site?

Re: Setup FTP video location in SamyGo Virtual usb

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:11 pm
by juusso
search for curlftpfs and it`s script.

Re: Setup FTP video location in SamyGo Virtual usb

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:28 pm
by whhaatt
I have but it does not make sense.

Which directory do i need to put the script in and how do i create the script to either prompt for a password for the site or hardcode into script?

Re: Setup FTP video location in SamyGo Virtual usb

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:04 pm
by whhaatt
Ok I have done the following

Downloaded and added curlftps


edited to the following

Code: Select all

#	Copyright 1996-2010, ZsoltTech.Com
#       by Ser Lev Arris <arris@ZsoltTech.Com>
#       donated for the SamyGo Project
#       Version: SamyGO svn $Id: 04_04_curlftp.init.dis 523 2010-05-04 18:27:56Z arris $

. /dtv/SGO.env
##### CHANGE MEEEEE !!!!! ######
##### CHANGE MEEEEE END ######

[ -e /mtd_rwarea/smb_userdata ] && source ###/mtd_rwarea/smb_userdata

[ -z $USER ] && exit 1
[ -z $PASSWD ] && exit 1



FR_NAME="FTP Server"

        mkdir -p $DEST_DIR
        curlftpfs $USER:$PASSWD@$SERVER $DEST_DIR
        sleep 3
                $(echo -e "[sdd]\nVendor : FTPFsMount\nProduct : $FR_NAME\n\
Serial : Q80VQLFD\nDevpath : 4\nLun : 0\nMountDir : $DEST_DIR\nFileSystem : vfat\n" >> /dtv/usb/log)
        cd -

case $1 in
        insmod $MOD_DIR/kernel/fs/fuse/fuse.ko
        # may can fail if device access the mount from content library
        # attention: djmount use fuse too, difference is vfat on or fuse on
        # in output of mount
        # for i in $(cat /proc/mounts | grep fuse | cut -d " " -f2) ; do
        for i in $(cat /proc/mounts | grep fuse | grep -v vfat | sed 's/^\(.*\) \(.*\) fuse .*/\2/') ; do
                umount $i
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}" 1>&2
        exit 0
I have also deleted the following files

Code: Select all

/mtd_content/database/Ace.dat (and Ace.log)
Also i added the following

Code: Select all

Vendor : Home
Product : Server
Serial : 30122011
Devpath : 7
Lun : 0
ScsiDevicePath : /dev/sdc1
MountDir : /dtv/usb/sda1/nfs
FileSystem : vfat

Code: Select all


The server option shows, but when i click on it and select videos the egg timer equivalent appears for ever

What have i done worng?

Re: Setup FTP video location in SamyGo Virtual usb

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:09 pm
by whhaatt