[App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by wluczykijwf »

bobiturboto wrote:[...] I was at work this weekend, to add a few ideas about the Android app.
What you think to move the Now on TV GUIDE backend with php, then the integration with external devices will be very easy?
I don't, but if you want then it is possible. All data information is in DataForChannels.txt after inject a OnlineTVDataForGUIDE.so with a CURRENT_LIST_EPG arg.
For me it is unnecessary and would require too much work.
sorry for my english
UE40F8000 (T-FXPDEUC-1136.0), BD-D5500
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by bobiturboto »

That is true, but how can we connect an external app then? We can do the processing externally but then will be pain during the updates My idea is an universal now on TV guide which will be loaded like iframe everywhere when you click on event a command will be send to online TV app to switch the channel. With your next events (with green) you made the task even easiest and more usable

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by wluczykijwf »

bobiturboto wrote:That is true, but how can we connect an external app then? We can do the processing externally but then will be pain during the updates My idea is an universal now on TV guide which will be loaded like iframe everywhere when you click on event a command will be send to online TV app to switch the channel. With your next events (with green) you made the task even easiest and more usable
It depends for your concept.
It I can support you but not develop it.
I wait for your the idea description (best a scheme or a checklist but not a essay :D).
sorry for my english
UE40F8000 (T-FXPDEUC-1136.0), BD-D5500
SamyGO Project Donor
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by Gudio »

wluczykijwf wrote:It is not full log. Do you repace all the scripts from last version OnlineTV?
Sorry. There you have full log:

Code: Select all

VDLinux#> cat /mtd_rwcommon/common/OnlineTV/OnlineTV.log 
SamyGO E/F/H OnlineTV v. 1.1.10 (c) wluczykijwf 2016
[Debug] Create BeforeOnlineTV.log status: 1
[Debug] Start write to file: OnlineTV.log
[Debug] Date: Mon Oct 17 2016 - 20:31:50.log
[Main] Debug.js status: true
[Main] Server.js status: true
[Main] Player.js status: true
[Main] Display.js status: true
[Main] Data.js status: true
[Main] File.js status: true
[Main] Functions status ok
[Main] Main.onLoad
----- Plugin define go -----
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFTime
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFAppcommon
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: Window
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFNNavi
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFTaskManager
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: NNavi
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFTV
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFWindow
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: TVMW
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFNetwork
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: TaskManager
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: TV
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: SEFTVMW
[Main] This Plugin is completed to include. name: AppCommon
[Main] This Plugin has already included.  name: SEFTime
----- Plugin define done -----
----- Basic information go -----
[Main] SupportMultiTaskingApp: 0
[Main] Product code UE32F5300
[Main] Widget Manager Ver. 5.2791
[Main] BP Ver. DTP-BP-MW-3608-14-10
[Main] AP Ver. DTP-AP-WP-3608-024-X12_DEU-045
[Main] Model 13_X12_2D
[Main] Firmware T-INFOLINK2013-1014
[Main] NNavi Ver. 130101
[Main] TimeZone 0
[Main] TimeZone Offset 60
[Main] Country POLAND
[Main] Language pl
----- Check external files go -----
[Util] Existing /dtv/www/phpsysinfo/listCH/listCH.sh -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /mnt/var/www/phpsysinfo/listCH/listCH.sh -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /mnt/opt/privateer/usr/libso/libOnlineTV/libOnlineTVDataForGUIDE.so -> status: 1
[Util] Existing /dtv/www/phpsysinfo/runOnlineTVDataForGUIDE/runOnlineTVDataForGUIDE.php -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /mnt/var/www/phpsysinfo/runOnlineTVDataForGUIDE/runOnlineTVDataForGUIDE.php -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /mnt/opt/privateer/usr/libso/libRunWidget.so -> status: 1
[Util] Existing /dtv/www/phpsysinfo/runWidget/runWidget.php -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /mnt/var/www/phpsysinfo/runWidget/runWidget.php -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /dtv/SoftPowerOff.log -> status: 0
[Util] Existing /dtv/usb/sdb1/REC -> status: 1
----- Check external files done -----
[Main] AutoPauseMode status: false
----- Basic information done -----
----- Event registration go -----
----- Event window go -----
----- Event widget go -----
----- Event SEFPluginAppcommon go -----
----- Event SEFPluginTV go -----
----- Event registration done -----
----- TvList.xml load start -----
----- OnlineTV send ready event -----
[Main] On hide window go...
[Main] On window go...
[Main] Event type = onShow
[Main] Event data = ?country=PL&samsung_country=PL&language=18&lang=pl&modelid=13_X12_2D&server=operation&remocon=0_650_259_13&area=PANEURO&product=0&mgrver=5.2791&totalMemory=1524629504&webbrowser=true&sourcetype=0&preload=false&pia=false
[Main] CheckRegKey: 1
[Main] OnlineTVTurn: 0
[Main] On window! 1
[Main] On window done...
[Server] dataReceivedCallback GO
[Main] Loaded 120 channels
[Main] Analog channels: 0
[Main] Digital channels: 121
[Main] Start timer
----- Try OnlineTV Channel (Server.dataReceivedCallback) -----
[Server] dataReceivedCallback Done
[Language] pl.js is loaded...
[Language] Translate by @wluczykijwf
[Main] Language load done...
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_CHANNEL_CHANGED(113) -> (-1->3)
[Main] Unregist key
[Main] Minor: 65534
[Main] Major: 3
----- OnlineTV channel name: TVN HD -----
[Main] idx: 2
[Main] TV Type: 1
[OnlineChannel] OnlineTV GO_1
[Player] URL = http://URLHIDDEN ;)
[Player] TYPE = HTTP
[OnlineChannel] Load video source, select app: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64)
[OnlineChannel] Full screen
[Player] Screen resolution: 0000/0000/0960/0540
[Player] Set custom video mode, pos (0,0) & size (960,540)
[Player] Video start playback!!!
[OnlineChannel] OnlineTV Success
[Main] CheckingRegKey start
[Main] CheckRegKey: 1
[Main] OnlineTVTurn: 1
[Main] VolCH_SetBannerState
[Main] Power key registered
[Main] Regist key
[Main] CheckingRegKey stop
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Main] The App is activated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_HOMEPANEL(134), widget focus status: false
[Main] Change app
[Player] On stream info ready
[Player] Buffering started
[Player] Buffering: 1%
[Player] Buffering complete
[Player] Current bitrate: 5.86 Mb/s
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 0: org
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 1: pol
[Player] Detected SoundTrackLangPriority0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 1: pol
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_CHANNEL_CHANGED(113) -> (-1->3)
[Player] Video stopped: 1
[OnlineChannel] Player stop!
[Player] Player deinit: 1
[OnlineChannel] Player deinit!
[OnlineChannel] Player undefined!
[OnlineChannel] Player delete!
[Main] Unregist key
[Main] Minor: 65534
[Main] Major: 3
----- OnlineTV channel name: TVN HD -----
[Main] idx: 2
[Main] TV Type: 1
[OnlineChannel] OnlineTV GO_1
[Player] URL = http://URLHIDDEN ;)
[Player] TYPE = HTTP
[OnlineChannel] Load video source, select app: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64)
[OnlineChannel] Full screen
[Player] Screen resolution: 0000/0000/0960/0540
[Player] Set custom video mode, pos (0,0) & size (960,540)
[Player] Video start playback!!!
[OnlineChannel] OnlineTV Success
[Main] CheckingRegKey start
[Main] CheckRegKey: 1
[Main] OnlineTVTurn: 1
[Main] VolCH_SetBannerState
[Main] Power key registered
[Main] Regist key
[Main] CheckingRegKey stop
[Main] scroll: TypeError, Object -1 has no method 'split'
[Player] Video played
[Main] scroll: TypeError, Object -1 has no method 'split'
[Main] The App is activated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: false
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_CHANGE_TV_MODE(115) -> (TV_MODE_CABLE(1), TV_MODE_AIR(0))
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Main] App: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64). On widget event, type: 48, data: GET
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_CHANGE_TV_MODE(115) -> (TV_MODE_CABLE(1), TV_MODE_AIR(0))
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Main] On window go...
[Main] Event type = onShow
[Main] Event data = ?country=PL&samsung_country=PL&language=18&lang=pl&modelid=13_X12_2D&server=operation&remocon=0_650_259_13&area=PANEURO&product=0&mgrver=5.2791&totalMemory=1524629504&direct=true&webbrowser=true&sourcetype=0&preload=false&pia=false
[Player] Set full video mode, pos (0,0) & size (960,540)
[Main] CheckRegKey: 1
[Main] OnlineTVTurn: 1
[Main] VolCH_SetBannerState
[Main] Power key registered
[Main] Regist key
[Main] On window! 1
[Main] On window done...
[Player] On stream info ready
[Player] Buffering started
[Player] Buffering: 1%
[Player] Buffering complete
[Player] Current bitrate: 5.86 Mb/s
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 0: pol
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 1: org
[Player] Detected SoundTrackLangPriority0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 1: pol
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_NO_SIGNAL(101) -> ({param1:0,parm2:0})
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Player] GetResolution: 1920 x 1080, GetResolutionWithPAR: 1920 x 1080 HD 16:9
[Main] PIP get false
[Player] Video played
[Main] The App is activated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: true
[Main] The App is deactivated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: true
[Main] Change app
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_CHANNEL_CHANGED(113) -> (-1->3)
[Player] Video stopped: 1
[OnlineChannel] Player stop!
[Player] Player deinit: 1
[OnlineChannel] Player deinit!
[OnlineChannel] Player undefined!
[OnlineChannel] Player delete!
[Main] Unregist key
[Main] Minor: 65534
[Main] Major: 3
----- OnlineTV channel name: TVN HD -----
[Main] idx: 2
[Main] TV Type: 1
[OnlineChannel] OnlineTV GO_1
[Player] URL = http://URLHIDDEN ;)
[Player] TYPE = HTTP
[OnlineChannel] Load video source, select app: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64)
[OnlineChannel] Full screen
[Player] Screen resolution: 0000/0000/0960/0540
[Player] Set custom video mode, pos (0,0) & size (960,540)
[Player] Video start playback!!!
[OnlineChannel] OnlineTV Success
[Main] CheckingRegKey start
[Main] CheckRegKey: 1
[Main] OnlineTVTurn: 1
[Main] VolCH_SetBannerState
[Main] Power key registered
[Main] Regist key
[Main] CheckingRegKey stop
[Main] scroll: TypeError, Object -1 has no method 'split'
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_CHANGE_TV_MODE(115) -> (TV_MODE_CABLE(1), TV_MODE_AIR(0))
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Main] Message TV event: EVENT_SATCR(126) -> ()
[Player] On stream info ready
[Player] Buffering started
[Player] Buffering: 1%
[Player] Buffering complete
[Player] Current bitrate: 5.86 Mb/s
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 0: pol
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 1: org
[Player] Detected SoundTrackLangPriority0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 1: pol
[Player] GetResolution: 1920 x 1080, GetResolutionWithPAR: 1920 x 1080 HD 16:9
[Main] PIP get false
[Player] Video played
[Main] Press: KEY_PAUSE
[Main] Press: KEY_PAUSE
[Player] Reasume video
[Player] Video played
[Main] The App is activated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: true
[Main] The App is deactivated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: true
[Main] The App is activated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: true
[Main] The App is deactivated: PL_TASKMANAGER_DTV_APP_INFOLINK2(64), widget focus status: true
[Player] Reload go
[Player] Video stopped: 1
[Player] Reload done
[Main] scroll: TypeError, Object -1 has no method 'split'
[Player] On stream info ready
[Player] Buffering started
[Player] Buffering: 1%
[Player] Buffering complete
[Player] Current bitrate: 5.86 Mb/s
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 0: pol
[Player] Detected the soundtrack 1: org
[Player] Detected SoundTrackLangPriority0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 0: pol
[Player] Detected the subtitle 1: pol
[Player] GetResolution: 1920 x 1080, GetResolutionWithPAR: 1920 x 1080 HD 16:9
[Main] PIP get false
[Player] Video played
[Main] Press: KEY_GREEN
[Main] s:1, GetProgramList_Size:0/131
[Main] Displayed EPG: ?lub od pierwszego wejrzenia, 2016/10/17/22/30/00, 5400
[Main] Next: Strzelec
[Main] Show EPG
[Main] Press: KEY_GREEN
[Main] Hide EPG
[Main] Press: KEY_BLUE
Load species of channel: 195
[Main2] Timezone add hour: +0
[Main2] Generate category for GUIDE go...
[Main2] Category length: 1
[Main2] Generate category for GUIDE done...
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
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[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
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[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
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[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
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[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
[Main2] Total pages: 0
[Main2] CX: 0
[Main2] SetCatList error: TypeError, Cannot read property 'style' of null, Main2.categoryIdx: -1
[Main2] Total categories: 0
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by wluczykijwf »

You must update all files OnlineTV to version 1.1.11.
sorry for my english
UE40F8000 (T-FXPDEUC-1136.0), BD-D5500
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by Gudio »

May I ask you why are you checking if runOnlineTVDataForGUIDE files exist in /dtv/www, not in /mnt/phpsysinfo?
My /dtv/www is empty every reboot.
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by wluczykijwf »

Gudio wrote:May I ask you why are you checking if runOnlineTVDataForGUIDE files exist in /dtv/www, not in /mnt/phpsysinfo?
My /dtv/www is empty every reboot.
Because it is directory for PHP stuff.
It is copy from /mnt/phpsysinfo to /dtv/www every time when TV is root.
1. You upload all files on main OnlineTV directory.
2. You run OnlineTV when TV has rooted (all init scripts).
sorry for my english
UE40F8000 (T-FXPDEUC-1136.0), BD-D5500
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by Gudio »

Why my /dtv/www is empty every reboot? I'm afraid that I have done something wrong in this case.
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by wluczykijwf »

Gudio wrote:Why my /dtv/www is empty every reboot? I'm afraid that I have done something wrong in this case.
Are you sure? When do you check this? After, run all init scripts?
sorry for my english
UE40F8000 (T-FXPDEUC-1136.0), BD-D5500
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Re: [App] More TV channels on E/F/H series

Post by notengo13 »

Maybe this can help.
@zoelechat "exe's/libs hadn't root rights on H, /dtv/www is created with 755 permissions so couldn't write..."

Code: Select all

chmod 777 /dtv/www
UE48H6640 T-MST14DEUC 2781.0 root latestH --> 2130.0 skypeRoot-->0000-->2115.3 "Skype refueled" Root
QE55QN93A - - >firmware T-NKM2DEUC-1805.4 (backup 1590.0) - - >update CURL60 Error --> CURL28 Error

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