Bricked Samsung Ue32C5100

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SamyGO Project Donor
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Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:05 pm

Bricked Samsung Ue32C5100

Post by FilipeAmadeuO »

Can anyone please help me ?
I have a samsung UE32C5100. Last week i was watching tv normaly when the electricity in my area went-out twice very fast. And when the power came back the TV never started again...
At the start i throught it was the power board and bought a new one. Replaced and the symptons are the same.
I am building a EXLINK cable but can you give some ideas how to restore the partitions ?
I am not able to access the service menu because the tv does not init but i have rooted the tv before.
Thanks for your help.
Filipe Alves

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