Boot to media player?

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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:55 pm

Boot to media player?

Post by meatheadmike »

All I really want to do with my TV is boot straight to the media interface so I can watch movies off of my network drive or the USB. Unfortunately Samy wants to force me to boot straight to TV mode. Is there a way to get the TV to start up in the media player? I had a look through the start up scripts but nothing caught my eye. I can boot up samba and other back end processes, but it doesn't seem like I can trigger anything to start on the front end.
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:55 pm

Re: Boot to media player?

Post by meatheadmike »

I did manage to write a script that can send remote control sequences upon boot. But it's a pretty finicky hack. It can take up to a minute after you start up the TV before it starts sending the remote commands. And there's no button to go directly to videos or virtual USB :( So if anyone has better ideas I'm all ears.

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